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pyrgo (Walker)

Pediobius pyrgo (Walker), antenna lateral, female.

Pediobius pyrgo (Walker), tibia+tarsus, female.

Original description

Walker, F. 1839. Monographia Chalciditum, I:119.


Elachestus complaniusculus Ratzeburg, Pleurotropis substrigosa Thomson, Derostenus nawai Ashmead, Rhopalotus chalcidiphagus Szelenyi.


Antenna stout; head short and wide (width/length= 2.4); hind tibial spur elongate and bent, 0.4X as long as hind tarsus; scutellum entirely reticulate, meshes ± elongate and parallel; posterior margin of dorsellum rounded, without dents; propodeum with submedian carinae strongly diverging posteriorly; petiole as long as wide; first gastral tergite with very weak reticulation in posterior 1/3.


Europe, Honduras, Japan, Korea, USA.


Primary, very often secondary, solitary or gregarious, endoparasitoid of larvae and pupae of various insects. The host list is extensive, see Peck (1963) and Boucek & Askew (1968) for compilations. In tropical America (Honduras) pyrgo was reared from eggs of Theridiidae (Araneae).


Depository of primary type

Syntypes in Natural History Museum (BMNH), London, England.